Friday, December 30, 2011

Could not validate ASMSNMP password due to following error- "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges"

Platform: Oracle 11g R2 grid

At Fist Node's $ prompt execute

$ orapwd file= $GRID_HOME /dbs/orapw+ASM1 entries=5 password=your-password

At Fist Node's $ prompt execute

$ orapwd file=$GRID_HOME/dbs/orapw+ASM2 entries=5 password=your-password

From any of the node as 11g Grid Infrastructure owner execute:


export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid

[grid@node1 bin]$ sqlplus / as sysasm

SQL>create user asmsnmp identified by your-password;

SQL> grant sysdba to asmsnmp;

DBCA hangs, does not respond after clicking finish using Xmin

When I tried to create/configure database using DBCA at 11g release 2, DBCA hung or did not respond after 
clicking finish button and 

             X Client I was using was XMING, which had a kind of bug.
             After installing Xming complete font package, I could create database using DBCA, this problem exist with Xming at Linux or Unix enviromnets in my case it was AIX 7.

Oracle Support Note: 727290.1.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Transfer Datafile from ASM to File System

This article is about transferring database files from ASM to O/S File System, two methods are used here are:

1. DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER.copy_file.
2. 'ASMCMD cp' Command.

                            There are three procedures within the dbms_file_transfer package:
  • COPY_FILE: This is useful for copying files locally on the database server.
  • GET_FILE: This is useful when a file on a remote database is to be transferred to a local file system through the local database connection.
  • PUT_FILE: Reads a local file and contacts a remote database to create a copy of the file in the remote file system

       Can move files to and fro between ASM and OS File System, valid from 10gR2. Here COPY_FILE procedure will be used to transfer the datafile name EXAMPLE.dbf, the complete path and name of datafile at ASM is 

Source directory is at ASM (+DATA/orcl/datafile)
And Destination Directory is at O/S File System (/u01/app/oracle/dbhome_1)

Log in as user with DBA role and execute the following statements:

SQL> create directory source as '+DATA/orcl/datafile/';

SQL> create directory dest as '/u01/app/oracle/dbhome_1'

SQL> grant read on directory source to dba;

SQL> grant write on directory dest to dba;

and finally run 

SQL> begin 

          After successful run of above procedure, file existence at O/S FS can be verified using 'ls'



                This is the simplest way to move database file either way between ASM and File System, introduces at 11g.

Source directory is at ASM (+DATA/orcl/datafile)
And Destination Directory is at O/S File System (/u01/app/oracle/dbhome_1)

at asmcmd prompt simply run the below line and you will be done.

ASMCMD> cp +DATA/appdbtst/datafile/example.267.758826135 /u01/app/oracle/dbhome_1/example.dbf

The remaining procedures (GET_FILE and PUT_FILE) are similar in the way source and destination are specified but enable further transfer to a remote DB specified by dblink. Both source and target databases should have directories defined. Restrictions related to dbms_file_transfer package are:
  • Files are supposed to be multiple of 512 bytes
  • Files should be less than 2TB
  • There is no character set conversion
  • Oracle should have permissions to the file and after copy file are owned by oracle user.
  • File transfer operation can be monitored from v$session_longops

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined

After successful installation of 11g release 2 grid infrastructure, when tries to start enterprise manager control, it raised error mentioned below:
                 Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined, pleased set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name.

        I simply executed following line at my linux command line with grid ouwner user i.e. oracle:

             export ORACLE_UNQNAM={DATABASE NAME}

        where DATABASE_NAME can be found via following command.

           select name from v$database;

       It simply solved my problem, and hope will help you as well.

Farrukh Salman.